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8 Nutritional & Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Savanah Richardson • December 31, 2020

How to get your daily fiber and essential fatty acids

Hemp seeds coming from the plant Cannabis sativa plant are packed full of benefits for the body. 
Being a complete protein you can get your daily dose of all essential amino acids, Omega-3’s, Omega-6’s and even fiber. 


Although much further research is needed to expand our knowledge of the benefits of cannabis we can start with what we know! 

Improve Cardiac Health
It has been speculated in the medical industry that heart health can be improved by increasing daily intake of Omega-3’s and 6’s fatty acids. 
Hemp seeds contain the amino acid, arginine, which is converted into Nitric Oxide. 
Nitric Oxide is responsible for vein and artery expansion. This dilation allows for the walls of blood vessels to remain smooth and elastic. 

Substituting sugary snacks for heart healthy foods such as hemp hearts is a great way to keep your heart healthy while reducing risk for arrhythmias and heart disease. 

Chronic Inflammation Reduction 
We would not have thought that fatty acids would help reduce inflammation! The omega-3’s and 6’s in combination have shown potential reduction in inflammation. 
Hemp seeds are plenty in a polyunsaturated fatty acid, gamma linolenic acid, in which holds promises of anti-inflammatory effects. 

Chronic Diseases with inflammation symptoms
Heart disease
Liver Disease
Metabolic Syndrome

Decrease Skin Inflammation
Inflamed skin can result in acne and atopic dermatitis. Potential dietary reasons for dramatic skin conditions could be linked to omega-3 deficiencies. Increasing plant fiber can help reduce skin inflammation causing severe acne so luckily hemp seeds contain A TON of fiber. 


High protein content 
Getting enough protein in your diet can be tricky while trying to have a plant-based or sustainable diet. 
Hulled hemp hearts ( hemp seeds without the shell) contain 10 grams of protein per 3 tablespoons! 
Hemp seeds contain all nine essential fatty acids. Essential means the body cannot produce them and relies on the diet to supply these amino acids. Amino acids are the building block for proteins which keeps our bodies going! 

High in Unsaturated Fats 
Hemp seeds contain virtually no trans fat and the seeds are low in the unhealthy saturated fats. Getting a balance of omega-3s and 6’s is key to long term health 
The ratio of these fats are important to consider. 

Considerable Fiber Content 
When purchasing hemp seeds, find products with the complete seed ( the hull/shell) as some of the fiber and nutrition lies in the shell.
About three tablespoons of hemp seeds contain around 9 grams of dietary fiber. 
Fiber is great for reducing appetite, stabilizing blood sugar and promoting a healthy gut! 

Rich in vitamins and minerals 

3tbsp of hemp seeds(shell included) contain:

Calcium 26mg
Iron 4.5mg
Vitamin E 1.2mg
Thiamin 0.2mg
Riboflavin 0.1mg
Niacin 2.4mg
Vitamin B6 0.3mg
Folate 80mcg DFE
Phosphorus 250mg
Magnesium 210mg
Copper 0.5mg
Zinc 3.3mg
Manganese 3.7mg 

By Savanah Richardson January 14, 2021
What do these products contain? Should they still be labeled CBD when they contain trace amounts of THC? This can be confusing for new customers trying to educate themselves on cannabis products. So, What is CBD? A MISNOMER FOR CANNABIS PRODUCTS CBD is actually a misnomer for a variety of cannabinoid based products. This points out the serious mislabeling alongside misinformation that some cannabis companies use to garner profits. CBD is the acronym for a SPECIFIC cannabinoid in the cannabis flower called Cannabidiol. For example, the orange fruit has many vitamins and minerals ranging from folate, thiamine, potassium and Vitamin C. We do not call oranges “Vitamin C” when we want an orange soda. We do not say “I want the Vitamin C soda, please.” The cannabis flower contains a multitude of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are compounds found in the cannabis plant. There are roughly 60 cannabinoids with THC( Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD ( Cannabidiol) and CBN (Cannabiniol) being a few. So when referring to Cannabis as CBD can be very confusing especially when some of the products may contain a psychoactive ingredient THC. CBD as a buzzword is used instead of saying Cannabidol Isolate, Full spectrum Oil, or Broad Spectrum oil. It takes a minute explaining or a minute reading this article to understand what CBD actually is, an acronym for Cannabidiol. The buzzword CBD is used to represent Cannabis products as a WHOLE such as a CBD Tincture, CBD Gummies, CBD Lotion, CBD Salve. These products may have upwards 5-10 different active cannabinoid compounds other than cannabidiol. Why labeling everything with cannabis as CBD is a bad idea because then nobody is really educated on what is in their products. ODD GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION REGARDING CANNABIS AND CANNABIDIOL CBD is the acronym for the cannabinoid Cannabidiol. The rescheduling of Cannabidiol as a herbal supplement rather than a Schedule 1 substance takes it out of the category of illicit drugs. The Department of Health and Human Services own the patents to the information regarding the health benefits of cannabis dating back to the 1990’s. There will be other blogs explaining why our government has labeled herbal medicine as equivalent to cocaine BUT back to the CBD craze… Improvements with Certain medical conditions. Cannabidiol gained a lot of attention when it seemed to dramatically help with Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) devastating many children. WHY UNDERSTANDING CANNABIS PRODUCT IS IMPORTANT The first thing I tell people when buying cannabis products is know what you are buying. Anyone can slap a label called CBD on a product and take advantage of the learning curve associated with the market. There have been reports with hemp seed oil being marketed as CBD while charging an astronomical price. Cannabis is going to be readily available to people in the next ten years. Taking the wrong products could deter you from actually receiving benefit when you need it. Taking products with CBG (Cannabigerol or CBN (Cannabinol) can make you sleep and maybe not the best product when you need to be active. You may WANT these active compounds when you are trying to sleep so therefore you might have a morning supplement and a night supplement!
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